Login as a Franchisee

  • PHP Radius provide the facility to how to create new Franchise or Operator.
  • With the help of the PHP Radius ISP Billing Software franchise can login as a franchise in franchise portal.
  • specifically franchisees perform different types of task like generate New Payment, create user, generate new billing invoice, change franchise portal login password etc…


Steps For Login As A Franchisee

  • Franchise credentials will generate when franchisee creating by admin.
  • For login go to on admin login admin.phpradius.com/login.php.
  • Now, Enter franchise ISP ID, franchisee user name and franchise login password.
  • Then click on the Login button.
Login As A Franchisee
  • After Successfully complete login process, it will be display that particular franchise’s Dashboard.
  • in the Franchise Dashboard display Active users of franchise, Expired Users of franchise, Expired user in month, Expired user in week, total number of Invoice generate today and received total number of payment today.
Franchisee Dashboard
  • Dashboard contains Franchisee information like total user, total balance, use balance, renaming balance and commission.
  • here total user is that which is built under the franchise.
  • Franchise commissions provided by particular ISP.
  • if you want to see all user then click on users button on top right side and it will be display total users.
  • in this case note that franchise can not edit any invoice.

  • if the franchise want to logout in franchise portal then click on Logout button on top right side.
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